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Chertsey High School visit Wisley Gardens

Writer's picture: Yes FuturesYes Futures

On the morning of Wednesday 8th May, 15 students from the Chertsey High School set off to Wisley Gardens.

Despite the rain, we could all see how beautiful the gardens were as we walked across the site to our first activity.

Barnaby, our brilliant educational horticulturist for the morning, managed to find us shelter from the rain in one of the greenhouses next to the vast vegetable garden. From here, we dried off and learnt a huge amount about looking after plants.

Barnaby taught us how to make a plant pot using old newspaper and a tin can (a biodegradable option that can be planted straight into the soil).

We then learnt how to clone plants, using a cutting, and each got the opportunity to take our own potted cutting away with us.

Finally, we learnt how to test the pH of the soil to ensure we were providing the best growing environment for our plants. I think we all came away with green fingers!

After another wet walk across the site, we took shelter in one of the lovely Wisley Garden cafés for our lunch.

We then sought more shelter and explored the Glass Houses which contained a number of plants originating from much warmer climates! We also used this time as an opportunity to plan a short presentation in our coaching teams.

Back at school, we enjoyed listening to everyone’s reflections on the day. In particular, we agreed we had been extremely resilient to make the most of the trip in spite of the pouring rain!

Thank you to Barnaby and Wisley Gardens for hosting our Play Your Part day.

To find out more about how your students could get involved with the Yes Futures Programmes, please contact Sophie, Impact Manager:, 07908 687779 or visit our website.

If you're interested in becoming a Play Your Part partner, please contact Helena, Head of Programmes:

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